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There are professional transcription services companies located all around the world. In fact, you can just as easily hire a transcription service company from Sweden as easy as you can hire one from right here in Fairfax, California. Both transcribing companies cover interview transcriptions, dictations, academic transcription and legal transcriptions. So then why would you want to go with the company right here in your state? We will give you several reasons to choose a transcription service company right here in your own back yard.

Utilizing a local transcription service offers swift payment processing and fewer hassles and headaches. This is, in part, because you are using the same currency and don’t have to deal with exchange rates. In many cases, you could simply make a payment by sending a check in the mail. So go local and eliminate delayed payment processes.

Hiring a transcription service from another country could present the problem of a language barrier. Audio or video files transcribed using native English by a native transcriptionist means a better understanding of cultural background of the local audience. That is, is is less likely a local transcriptionist will misinterpret sensitive words or phrases.

We all should do what we can to help promote the local economy. Hiring a transcription company from an outside country deprives local and national government of taxes that enhance our economy.

But best of all, hiring a local transcription company means you get the enhanced service and support you demand. In addition, you can communicate more effectively with a local company with just a simple phone call.